Please fill out the form below with the contact information.
By Clicking submit you give permission for the listed child to attend Vacation Bible School at Fuente De Aguas Vivas Family Worship Center on July 18, 2015.
I understand that reasonable precaution will be taken to assure my child’s safety, and I will not hold the church liable for any accident that could affect my child. In the event of a medical emergency while my child is attending Vacation Bible School, I authorize the treatment by a qualified emergency medical technician or a licensed medical doctor.
*Kingdom Kids: His Love Is Deeper Than The Ocean Vacation Bible School is broadcast on www.fdavfamily.org and may appear in archived footage.
We have a photographer capturing all the fun.
*By registering your child you understand that your child may appear on our broadcast on www.fdavfamily.org or in photos that may be used by the church.
What To Bring?
Every child is encouraged to bring a pair of clothes to get wet in and a towel.
Children will be provided breakfast, lunch, & a snack.
All activities will take place within the church property.
Registration will begin at 8:30am so please have your child "Check-In"
VBS will be from 9am-4pm